How to End a Friends with Benefits Relationship

You all know that a Friends with Benefits (Fwb) relationship is empowering and all fun, but it could not be an excellent fit for your lifestyle or might end up being unexpectedly toxic. 

Most people will take this FWB route to help them scratch away that sexual itch without letting in any commitments or investing their emotions into a whole-blown relationship.

In most single women’s lives, there comes a time when you need to call off the FWB game with your other partner. 

And though you are not technically dating, it becomes hard to know where and how to end the casual relationship. 

Are Friends with Benefits Relationships bad?


It all depends. However, there is nothing wrong with having casual sex with a hookup person, regardless of what haters want one to believe. 

Most women have indulged in a fulfilling and informal relationship that allows the two parties to meet their needs. 

While it is thoroughly normal not to settle down, you wouldn’t want to waste your bed moments with a complete jerk. 

So, if your sex buddy begins to be a player, then ditch him!

How Do You Know if Your Friends with Benefits Situation is Toxic?

how to end a friends with benefits relationships - woman staring in the distance

Here are various ways that your FWB situation is doomed!

The party doesn’t ask how you feel or inquire about the orgasm. 

If the person leaves you yearning for more, or perhaps the sex is lackluster, then it’s the end of that booty call. 

Some people will fail to ask what you are into, your fetish, or orgasm; with such, it’s a no-go zone. It isn’t warm-hearted. 

Though orgasm in women cannot make or break a relationship, a man should ask about it. It pleases both parties, not just one. 

The relationship keeps you from dating.

Sometimes, a woman might come across promising dates and end up turning them down because they are in an FWB situation. 

If it gets to that point, it’s time to say goodbye. 

FWB is a relationship that only offers sexual solace if you aren’t in a serious commitment with someone. 

Therefore, if you know that it can never be possible with your partner, you should end it and start a new serious relationship, even if you will go through a dry spell phase for a little while. 

Your partner is manipulating you.

Every relationship has one other person, and friends with benefits situations are no exception. 

Both parties should often be on the same page, and if one feels hurt or neglected, it’s time to hold a talk before it gets worse.

Just like other relationships, you should base yours on transparency and honesty in everything you do. 

If the FWB begins subtly to manipulate or guilt-trip you, it’s the best time to let go. 


Jealousy is one of the most powerful emotions, especially when your FWB speaks highly of another woman or vice versa. 

It sucks! 

Casual flings should not attract jealousy since they are casual, so they are both doomed if the envy is mutual. 

And if envy is one-sided, then one person will be heartbroken. For that reason, take a step forward and end the relationship. 

You think about your partner a lot.

The whole plan with friends with benefits relationships is not to have any strings attached or emotions. 

Also, it should not take up most of your time as serious relationships do. 

Therefore, if you crowd your thoughts with the last hookup memories that take up all the space in your brains, you should reevaluate a few things. 

How to End a Friendship with a Benefits Relationship?


It’s a challenging and tricky relationship to end, but you can still call it off without hurting each other’s feelings. 

A friends with benefits relationship runs its course for multiple reasons; a change of heart, priorities, or getting caught up in some dreaded “feelings.” 

It would be a bit tempting to ghost your hookup buddy, mainly if the man isn’t in your inner circle, but you shouldn’t do that. 

Here are a few ways to end it as a show of respect to them and the fling you had:

Be honest.

If your buddy isn’t in your circle, it is best to be honest with them since you might never meet them after the breakup. 

If you decide to let go and they try to reach out, you should not tell them that you are busy; say it as it is. 

You have to let them know about your new relationship status or why you want to let go of what you two had. 

Being vague is not advisable since the other partner will keep reaching out; therefore, slash it off cleanly.

Most people will want closure on the breakup. In such a case, be honest, especially if the person feels like he never behaved accordingly. 

Remaining open and honest is a great idea. 

Sit your partner down and have “The Talk.”

That relationship was probably on the verge of getting into an actual relationship, it’s time to set some time and have a serious talk, or you need to cut it off since you intend to see someone new. 

In such instances, you should let them know to have an actual breakup. You can pass the serviette and leave the place after that. 

You should taper off sex before the breakup.

Some people can’t help themselves when it comes to ending an FWB relationship; some will be full of pity or want to have one last major sex session on no attachments. 

For whatever reason, you should not indulge in sexual intercourse if you intend to break up.

Having more sex towards the break-off might make it hard to let go. The only best bet is to avoid sex in the few weeks before ending things. 

It helps create both emotional and physical distance between both parties. 

Focus on the future when ending the relationship.

Before ending it, let the man know how much you have been thinking lately about the future, and let them see the FWB is not the best fit for your goals and priorities. 

However, mention to them that the relationship is fun and though short-lived, you really enjoyed every bit of it, but it’s not a priority anymore. 

Understand that there might be no platonic relationship anymore.

You might want to think that there is a good chance that the other party might be okay with being just friends after the quasi-relationship ends, but it often doesn’t come to pass. 

Some people, especially if they had feelings for you, might not handle that idea of having the woman they really like have the relationship off the table. 

However, it might depend on a few things, and maybe you can be friends later in the future if you give them space and do not attempt to force friendship. 

If the person fails to handle it, you might learn how to grieve the loss as well. 

How to Get Over Your Toxic FWB? 

Do normal things 

Though an FWB relationship should not make you feel like an actual breakup, you should try and hang out with your friends and do things that you used to do together. 

It helps you drift back to the norm. If you have a sturdy foundation with routine and truth, you can potentially swing back very fast. 

Give your attention to someone else. 

Sometimes you might not like the idea that your ex-FWB is off the table; at this point, you can find a new person to keep you occupied or instead to switch your full attention to. 

You can either go on a friendly date with a person you like or get an online hookup to talk to. 

Make sure you get any kind of distraction besides sex; it keeps you on track. 

Stick to your decision

A person who decides on ending the relationship to begin a serious dating one, but ends up having a wrong date, should not go back to the FWB. 

They are not waiting for you to come back with an open arm.

Picking up an FWB relationship that ended can be confusing; it makes the situation even more complex; stick to your decision and move on swiftly. 

Be self-deprecating and kind. 

Rejections do hurt, and you should know that this is rejection as well. 

You might break the other person, and it will hit their ego as well. 

So, it would be best if you did not make it sting much, show some kindness and even take up the blame and let them know that they will be happy with someone else too. 

At this point, letting them know that they are good in bed, you enjoyed time with them, and pointing out the great things they did and made everything fun might significantly soften the blow. 

Take Away

An FWB relationship is also a sort of relationship that involves some connections and intimacy with someone you’ve shared your friendship with. 

So, once it ends, it feels that something very integral has left your life. 

It’s not only the casual sex but how close both parties were and might be scared to lose each other forever. 

However, things might loosen up with the above guide, and you can easily handle everything accordingly.

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