The 7 Signs of a Soul Mate

A Soulmate is someone that brings the best out of you. This person will not be who you would expect but will challenge you to be the best.

Your soul mate would want nothing but the best for you. And your true love will be perfect for you.

There is a catch. Many people do not recognize the signs of their soulmates.

In this post, you’ll learn the 7 signs of a soulmate.


It can be tough to trust someone, especially if you’ve been cheated on in the past. But unlike previous relationships, your Soulmate looks pretty familiar.

Although you have only known this person briefly, you know you can be vulnerable around him.

Trust is the basis of any relationship. And a man that makes you feel like you can be open and vulnerable is a sign of a soulmate.

Share the Same Values 

Your Soulmate would share similar values as your own.

 Suppose you believe people should be honest and have integrity. You’ve ended many relationships because the guy cheated or lied to you.

You will know you’re with your Soulmate because he will not lie or cheat. He will feel as strongly about honesty and integrity as you.

He will share similar values as you.

7 signs of a soulmate - image of a couple hugging

Your Soulmate will Love You at Your Worst.

It’s easy to love someone when they’re at their best and on top, but a soulmate will love you at your worst.

When you’re with the person you’re supposed to be with, the love they have for you will be unconditional.

Suppose you spend many years climbing the corporate ladder and become very successful. You meet an equally successful man, and you begin dating.

The relationship is getting serious, and you all are talking about marriage. Then suddenly, the economy begins to slow down. Unfortunately for you, there are layoffs at your company, and you will lose your job.

In your worst moment, your man ends things with you. A true soulmate will stand by you at your worst moment; their love has no conditions.

Challenges you to be Better 

Another sign you’re with your Soulmate is if your Soulmate challenges you to be the best version of yourself.

A soul mate has an innate ability to bring the best out of you. Your Soulmate isn’t going to be perfect; he isn’t going to check all your boxes, act like you, or look like you imagined.

He will have flaws and shortcomings, just like you. But the love you all have for each other will help you cooperate to overcome these challenges. And when you all tackle these challenges together, you and he will become better people.

A Soulmate will Give you Strength.

When you’re with your Soulmate, you have the confidence and strength to Take On The World.

Soulmates give you a boost of confidence because they don’t judge you; they accept you for who you are.

If you’re with someone that makes you feel secure and confident whenever you’re with them, this is a sign of your Soulmate.

Your relationship will Require Hard Work.

This is no relationship that doesn’t require hard work to make that relationship last. Being in a relationship with your Soulmate will still need both parties to participate in making the relationship work.

When you’re in a relationship with your Soulmate, both people will be willing to work to have a successful relationship.

Your Soulmate will do what is necessary to fulfill your needs and vice versa.

It’s Easy to Love Him.

One big sign that you found your Soulmate is that it will be easy to love this person. Now there will be challenges.

But falling in love with this person will happen naturally and without warning. Your passion for this person will be so strong that you couldn’t imagine your life without him.

Your love for your Soulmate will make you feel you were meant for each other.


A Soulmate is someone that brings the best out of you. This person isn’t perfect. He isn’t going to meet all your qualifications or even think like you. But this person will be perfect for you.

Now that you have learned the 7 signs of your true Soulmate.

  • Trust
  • Shared Values
  • A soulmate will Love you at your worst
  • Challenge you to be better
  • Give you Strength
  • Hard Work
  • Easy to Love

It’s time for you to apply what you’ve learned. Look for these signs and recognize your Soulmate.

If you enjoyed this article, check out my post, “How to Find Your Soulmate,” and learn what you need to do to find your true love.