How do I get out of the friend zone with a guy?

This is probably one of the most crushing feelings in the world for a woman. 

Imagine for a moment you met the perfect guy. He has everything you’ve been looking for: personality, looks, and a sense of humor. 

Between the great conversations and frequent hangouts, you’re crushing on him hard. 

There is only one problem, he sees you as just a friend. You are absolutely crushed. How did you end up in the friend zone with the man of your dreams? 

More importantly, how do you get out of the friend zone with this guy?

And how do you make him see you for more than just a friend?

In this article, I will show you how to get out of the friend zone with a guy.

Why would a guy friend zone you? ( Are you acting like one of the boys?)

Any woman can end up in the friend zone with a guy. It doesn’t matter how attractive you are or how great your personality is to a man. You can be friend-zoned. Why does this happen?

There are 4 common reasons why a guy will put you in the friend zone.

First, if he doesn’t find you attractive or you’re not his type. Pretty women like to think that they can’t end up in the friend zone with the guy because they’re so beautiful, but that’s not true.

What’s important to remember is you have to be attractive to the guy. 

For example, you can be beautiful on the outside and meet a guy you find attractive, and you feel you’re compatible with, but he may see something in your personality that makes him want to just be friends with you.

Maybe he’s seen you upset and angry and thought to himself that you weren’t girlfriend material as a result.

Whatever the issue, he didn’t find you attractive. So, he placed you in the friends’ zone.

Second, he doesn’t look at you in that way. This can happen if you act like one of the fellows and have tomboy ways whenever you hang out with him. 

If you’re always wearing baggy jeans and t-shirts, he probably hasn’t seen your curves to notice you romantically. Men are visual.

A guy will put you in the friend zone.

Third, he could’ve been in a relationship when you all met. If your crush is a perfect guy and had a girlfriend when y’all met, it’s not likely he will cheat on his current woman to be with you.

Especially if he’s in a relationship that satisfies all his needs. So, he put you in the friends-zone. 

Fourth, one of his friends likes you and doesn’t want to break the guy code. The guy you have eyes for has eyes for you too, but he won’t pursue you because his friend likes you.

Guys are loyal to their friends. If a guy sees a woman he really likes, he knows a close friend is interested in the same woman, making this known to the guy.

The man will not pursue the woman out of respect for his friend. This is the guy code.

How to know if a guy puts you in the friends-zone? (Signs to look out for)

how to get out of the friend zone with a guy - image of a couple watching a movie

Before you think you’re in the friend zone with a guy, you want to make sure you are, in fact, in the friend zone with him.

Here are a few signs a guy is putting you in the friend zone.

He recommends other guys for you to date

A man won’t have you go out with another guy if he finds you attractive and wants to be in a relationship with you.

If a guy wants you to go out with another guy or maybe one of his friends’ chances are he only sees you as a friend.

He treats you like one of his boys. Basically, you’re one of the guys. 

That means no special treatment and no intimate time alone.

He doesn’t treat you any differently than he treats his friends.

He doesn’t try to hang out with you alone. Hangouts consist of you and your friends hanging out at a sports bar or maybe at a sporting event like a football or basketball game.

Because he doesn’t see you for anything more than a friend, there’s no reason for him to hang out with you alone in an intimate setting.

He keeps his physical distance. Whenever you hang out with your friend, and he consciously or subconsciously keeps his distance from you, that’s a subtle hint that you’re just his friend.

When a guy wants something more with a woman, he will try to get close to her, hold her hand or give her a hug.

Men and women use proximity to show interest. If he doesn’t want to get close to you, he just wants to be your friend.

He compliments other women in your presence. If he will compliment other women in front of you or wants you to hook him up with one of your friends.

He is telling you that he only wants to be your friend.

How to get out of the friend zone with a guy? (And be viewed as someone he wants to date)

Now you know what signs to look for when a guy tries to put you in the friend zone. 

It’s time to learn precisely how to get out of the friend zone. 

You have to realize that when a guy puts you in the friend zone, it isn’t permanent.

You can escape. Here are a few ways.

Don’t let him tell you about the women he’s seeing. Guys like to talk about the women they’re seeing to their friends. 

If you don’t want to be seen as his friend, don’t let him talk to you about other women.

You may think that you’re being weird, or he may ask why you’re acting strange. Just tell him that you don’t want to hear about the women he’s dating.

Essentially what you’re doing is establishing a boundary with him. And that talking to you about other women isn’t okay.

If you establish this boundary with him, he’ll start to think you’re jealous of other women, and he’ll begin to see you as more than just a friend.

For example, he may think to himself, I wonder if she likes me. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want me talking about other women.

As he contemplates this situation, he’ll start to think about you and him in a relationship.

That’s what you want! At that moment, you’re out of the friend zone.

Do not talk to him about guys you are interested in dating. If you don’t want him to view you as a friend, don’t tell him about your dating guys. 

This is information that guys share with their friends, and you don’t want to be seen as one of his friends. This also establishes the boundary that you don’t discuss relationship matters with each other.

Again, you don’t discuss who you’re dating with your friend because you want to subconsciously send him the message that maybe you and he could be a couple soon.

Start initiating plans to spend time with him alone. Now, after you’ve established boundaries with him and it’s clear you do not discuss guys you’re dating with him, and he doesn’t discuss the women he’s dating with you, attempt to make plans to spend time with him one-on-one.

Ask him if he would like to take you out, maybe to a movie or sporting event the place isn’t that important, you want to see if he’s willing to go out with you alone.

If he agrees to go out with you alone, consider it a date. That means to dress up really nice, look sexy, show off your curves because you want him to look at you as someone he can see himself dating.

Once you all go out, pay attention to how he interacts with you. Is he acting like a friend, keeping his distance? 

Or is he really close to you, holding your hand and putting his arm around you?

If he’s showing you any of these cues, you’re no longer in the friendzone. He wants more than friendship with you.

So at this point, if you followed all the issues laid out so far, you should be out of the friend zone with a guy. However, if these tips haven’t worked and the guy isn’t responding to you.

Reset your relationship with him by going away for a while. With your time away, work on yourself, date other people, try new things, and get in tune with yourself.

You may be surprised by the things you learn about yourself. And you may surprise other people with your newfound confidence and radiance.

So after about six months to a year goes by and you hang out with your friend again, he will be surprised to see how much you’ve changed in that time.

You have essentially become a new woman. This will Intrigue your crush to want to get to know you on an intimate level.

And that’s how a woman can get out of the friend zone with a man.

If you enjoyed this post, check out my post “How to End a Friends With Benefits Relationship.” In this post, I will show you how to end the relationship and provide you with 4 tips to help you get over the toxic FWB situation.