Why Do Men Hide Their Feelings?

why do men hide their feelings

Men are known for being less than open about the way they feel. So, why do men hide their feelings, and is there anything we can do about it? 

First things first, we all have to admit that men have emotions too. 

What Kinds of Feelings Do Men Have? 

Believe it or not, men have the same types of emotions as everyone else. 

They feel joy, fear, anger, and jealousy, just like the rest of humanity. The breakdown is how much (or how little, instead) men can express themselves in society.

Why Do Men Keep Their Feelings Hidden?

Men are expected to stay quiet and stoic in today’s world, even when their veins are pulsating with intense emotion. 

Their strength is commendable, for sure. However, there are at least five other reasons why some guys prefer to keep their feelings to themselves: 

1. They don’t want to look weak. 

Many men view their emotions as a sign of weakness, so they refuse to open up out of fear that they’ll be misjudged or taken less seriously than other adult males. 

2. They might not be in touch with their primary emotion. 

Some guys are so used to hiding how they feel that they can’t understand emotions at all. 

Instead, they remain confused about their feelings and then act accordingly, often engaging in counterintuitive behaviors. 

3. They could be scared of the way they feel.


Even men who know exactly how they feel can still hide their genuine emotions. That’s because some guys fear their true feelings. 

This is due to what they might mean to themselves, their families, and/or the opposite sex.  

4. They don’t want their feelings used against them. 

Emotional openness equals vulnerability, and a voluntary invasion of privacy, so many men prefer to keep their internal thoughts and feelings to themselves. 

It doesn’t help that some people use emotional vulnerability as a bargaining chip or manipulative tool.  

5. They may be waiting for someone else to bring it up. 

In some cases, men don’t share how they feel because they think it’s the wrong time to bring up personal emotions. 

Out of respect for the situation, many guys will remain quiet despite the feelings coursing through their veins. 

How to Get Your Man to Open Up About His Feelings?

All men are different, so there could be more personal reasons why they don’t open up. 

By being trustworthy and creating a safe space to talk, some males might be less apprehensive about sharing their thoughts and feelings. 

Whatever the case, never force anyone to uncover their hidden feelings until they’re ready. 

PRO TIP: If you need help discussing emotions, seek professional counseling or begin researching ways to express yourself more effectively

The Final Verdict

Men have feelings, too, even if they don’t always make them known right away. Their reasons for letting real emotions remain hidden are usually fair and reasonable. 

Yet, it’s still imperative to encourage a more open dialogue.