Why Do Guys Manipulate Women?

Guys manipulate women for their attention, affection, and time. Ultimately, a man uses to get what he wants at the expense of a woman.

This article will answer the following questions: Why Do Guys Manipulate Women?, What Causes a Guy to Manipulate?, and What Causes Manipulation in a Relationship? 

When you’re on the dating market, looking for a partner, we all try to manipulate another person, even if it isn’t malicious. 

Women attempt to convince guys to date them, provide for them, and marry them.

Men try to convince women that they’re a great catch, hoping this will lead to intimacy. 

All these dating games are innocent. We all understand, in dating, that we will be manipulated, a little, to date a guy or girl who isn’t exactly as they portrayed.

And women understand that they have to kiss many frogs to find their prince. This isn’t an issue.

The problem arises when a woman dates a guy who is an emotional manipulator, who will play on your emotions to get what he wants at your expense. 

Guys emotionally manipulate women because they understand that women are driven by their emotions.

Many women make decisions based on how they feel instead of the facts. Men use this information to play on their feelings.

An emotional manipulator will make his woman feel like no other man will treat her like he does, as he showers her with gifts.

His power is to convince you to feel a certain way about him so that you will stay.

This smokescreen is used to cover up his insecurities, fear of loss, and abandonment.

why guys manipulate women - image of a fashionable man in a suit

What Causes a Guy to Manipulate?

There are 2 leading causes for a man to result in manipulation: struggles coping with a challenging environment and family history. 

1. Struggles coping with a challenging or competitive environment. 

If he cannot cope with competitive environments, a man will result to manipulation. 

Some guys are control freaks, and they struggle when they are in environments that they cannot control.

These guys manipulate as a way to gain control over the situation.

If there is another person with more control than them, the guy will try to manipulate the person with more power.

He will not stop until he has all the power and control.

2. Family history

A guy that grew up in a family that competed for the attention of a family member, usually the mother or father, will become a manipulator for your attention and affection.

This is because he had to compete for the love and attention of his parents. Perhaps his parents worked all the time, and he had other siblings vying for their time.

As a child, he figured out how to scheme his way into getting his needs met.

If this child isn’t shown how to get his needs met healthily, then he grows up thinking manipulation is the way to get his needs met.

What causes manipulation in a relationship?

Manipulation can creep into a relationship for a variety of reasons, but I believe there are 3 common causes for manipulation in a relationship:

1. Bad communication skills.

Manipulation can enter your relationship if you or your man struggle to communicate. Especially if you have a hard time expressing your needs to your significant other. 

When your man isn’t direct in communicating his needs to you. He could result in schemes and passive-aggressive tactics to get you to meet his needs.

You can avoid communication being a cause for manipulation in your relationship if you’re willing to be direct with your partner.

Tell your man what your needs are and how he can fulfill those needs.

The best way to strengthen a weakness, if communication is a weakness for you or your man, is to work on communicating with your spouse. 

2. Fear

Another way manipulation can creep into your relationship is from fear.

Fear can be a good thing. It can motivate us to excel when in a high-stakes situation. 

Fear can also be crippling and cause you to act uncharacteristic of yourself. 

For a guy that fears losing you, fear can cause him to devise schemes that manipulate you to stay, even if you want to leave.

For instance, fear of loss will make your man wine and dine you to make up for something he did wrong, only for him to tell you that no other guy will treat you like him.

A weak excuse to keep you with him. 

3. Defensiveness

When men are very defensive in a relationship conflict, this could signify that he has shortcomings that he is struggling to face.

Manipulation can creep into your relationship to cover up his shortcoming.

Perhaps your man struggles to accept responsibility. 

When there is conflict in your relationship because of something your man has done, your boyfriend won’t accept responsibility. 

Instead, he responds defensively to manipulate you into dropping the issue.

That way, he doesn’t have to take the blame or address his shortcomings. 

The Takeaway

In this article, we discussed the following questions: Why Do Guys Manipulate Women?, What Causes a Guy to Manipulate?, and What Causes Manipulation in a Relationship?

Now that you understand why men manipulate women, the causes of manipulation, and the 3 causes for manipulation in a relationship, it’s time to use what you have learned in your relationship. 

If you’re in a manipulative relationship, address the issues with your man. If he isn’t willing to change, take it as a sign the relationship should end.

If you enjoyed this article, check out my post, Why Men Play with a Woman’s Feelings.

And learn the 4 reasons why guys play with women’s emotions.