Would You Date an Ex Again? For & Against

would you date an ex again - image of a woman

Whether you like it or not, relationships don’t always turn out the way you want to, and things can lead to a breakup. 

The most common tendency is to chase your ex until you end dating them again. 

While on-off relationships are common, it’s not advisable to go back to your ex and start dating them again. 

There’s a reason why you broke up, and you’d be putting yourself in unnecessary heartbreak for the second time by dating your ex. 

In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about dating your ex and whether or not it’s worth it.

Why Would Someone Date An Ex Again?

People who date their ex again don’t intentionally do it because they think it’s the right decision. Still, they do it because of the pain of moving on from their ex. 

The breakup caused so much pain and heartbreak in their lives that they’d rather endure the pain of the relationship than be without them. 

Even if they know that their ex isn’t the right person for them. 

It’s also possible to run back to your ex because, for whatever reason, you still believe that they’ll change for the better. And you still think that your relationship will be different the second time around. 

The truth is. It’s so much easier to run back to your ex and date that person again. Regardless of how the relationship ended in the past. 

Compared to the alternative of moving on to a life without them.

Is Dating An Ex Worth It?

It’s not worth putting yourself in unnecessary heartbreak by deciding to date your ex for the second time around. 

As much as the breakup hurts, you need to realize that it happened for a reason. Dating your ex will only make you hurt yourself further. 

When you come to realize that the time you spent dating a guy from your past could have been time spent healing from the breakup and moving on with your life. 

No matter what the reason for your breakup is, it will always hurt. 

However, you can’t use that pain as a reason to get back to them and think that things will have a different outcome. 

You need to remember it’s never your responsibility to fix, change, or save them, and doing so will be detrimental to your mental health. 

It’s always ideal to think that the relationship will finally work the second time around, but that isn’t what happens most of the time.

Why Dating An Ex Is A Bad Idea?

1. You’re Doing it Out of Loneliness

One of the common reasons why people choose to go back to their ex is loneliness. 

You feel lonely with someone by your side or without someone to talk to that you’d rather endure the wrong relationship than heal from the breakup and find someone suitable for you. 

Dating your ex out of loneliness is one of the worst reasons to get back to them. 

By the time that the loneliness fades, you’ll realize that you made one big mistake in going back to them. 

By then, all your problems would likely resurface from day 1 all because your loneliness was more substantial than your capacity to move on and find someone better.

2. It’s a Relationship Destined To Fail

While there are some success stories with second chances, it’s not as often as those that don’t work. 

This is because a breakup occurs for significant reasons you can’t just ignore. 

Even if you become blindly optimistic that you can resolve those problems this time around, this isn’t what happens typically. 

If you broke up the first time around because your love wasn’t strong enough to handle struggle and setbacks, history is just going to repeat itself. 

By getting back together with your ex, you’re just basically proving that your relationship was always destined to fail.

3. It’s Not Going To Be The Same

When you date your ex again, it’s going to be difficult because you’ll be both walking on eggshells, especially during the initial stages. 

You both want the relationship to work so badly that you try so hard, resulting in constantly watching that your words or behavior don’t accidentally trigger conflict or argument. 

This is extremely common in couples trying to date again after a breakup, and it’s why a second chance with them is a bad idea. 

The relationship you both experienced during the first time around is gone when the breakup occurred. 

This means you’re never going to have that same chemistry, compatibility, and intimacy with them without all the conflict and miscommunication.

4. You’re Preventing Both of You From The Right Relationship

As long as both of you are trying to make this relationship work and staying stuck with each other, you’ll never be able to find the right person for you. 

A second chance with your ex might feel good initially, but that feeling doesn’t often last because it’ll soon be replaced with regret and guilt. 

When you date your ex, you can expect all the conflict to rise that will remind both of you why you had to break up in the first place. 

As long as you’re forcing things to work between both of you, you’ll never be in a place where you’re happy and contented with the right person. 

Dating your ex might feel familiar and comfortable, but it does more harm than good. 


In conclusion, I hope this article shed insight into everything you needed to know on whether you should date your ex or not. 

The bottom line of all of this is before you run back to your ex, remember why the relationship had to end in the first place. 

The breakup will cause a lot of devastation in your life. 

Still, it can also cause a moment of clarity that will help you heal from that relationship and find your way towards the right relationship for you.