How to Keep the Conversation Going on a First Date With a Guy

Silence. Nothing is more awkward on a first date with the guy you like – than the awkward silence of having nothing to say.

Many women struggle to keep a conversation flowing with men, especially if the woman is shy or doesn’t date often.

So, how does a woman keep the conversation going when she’s on a First Date With a Guy she likes?

In this post, you’ll learn 7 easy tips to help you never run out of things to talk about on a first date.

7 Things to Say on a First Date With a Guy

Ask Open-ended questions.

There’s nothing worse than attempting a conversation with someone only to get a one-word response – yes or no.

The problem is you need to ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions require more than a one-word response. The person answering open-ended questions must consider and elaborate on the answer.

An example of an open-ended question is, “What made you become an Accountant?” The person answering the question has to elaborate – which is thought-provoking and engaging.

Build Rapport With Your Date Around Things You Already Know About the Guy.

If you’re on a First date with a guy you meet online, then there’s a good chance there are some things you already know about this person.

On his dating profile, he stated he’s into everything fitness and has been working out for the past 5 years. Fitness is a topic you can use to build rapport with him.

Ask him why he got into being fit. Or better yet, tell him that you are seriously considering joining a gym but want to know how to train for the best results.

Your date will feel an instant connection with you around something he’s passionate about, fitness. A 5-minute conversation will last an hour.

Start with a compliment.

If this is your first time meeting the guy, or you’re on a blind date, and you’re unsure what to say – the best way to start a conversation is by complimenting something specific about the guy. If he’s wearing a nice watch or shirt, compliment his attire and ask him where he bought it.

You may learn that the watch was his father’s and was given to him when he graduated college.

Don’t compliment a guy’s looks because that can send the wrong message to a guy. If you compliment some men on their looks, they will interpret the compliment as a sign you are really into them.

But if you keep your compliment specific – to his watch or shirt – you won’t send the wrong signal, and you’ll discover more exciting things to talk to your date about.

how to keep the conversation going on a first date with a guy - image of a man and woman talking
Ask Your Date About His Passions and Talents.

We all enjoy talking about the things we’re passionate about. Your date has something he is passionate about or talent he doesn’t mind sharing with you.

So, ask him what his passions are or how he got so talented in whatever craft he enjoys.

Actively Listen to Your Dates’ Responses.

Active listening to your date’s responses and responding to him keeps a conversation flowing.

Actively listening requires the receiver, you, to understand your date’s experience and what he is trying to tell you.

Here’s an example of actively listening. Your date tells you about his experience running a marathon, and you respond by asking your date how he dieted to prepare himself to run a long distance.

Ask a guy about his pet peeves or relationship dealbreakers.

Another good way to extend a conversation with a guy on a first date is to ask him about any pet peeves that annoy him. Perhaps he doesn’t like it when people interrupt him or when people take advantage of the elderly. You wouldn’t have known this if you didn’t ask.

Also, when you ask him about his pet peeves, you can easily segue into a conversation about relationship dealbreakers. For example, if he tells you one of his pet peeves, he hates when people take advantage of the elderly. You can segue into his relationship deal breakers but respond with, “so, thinking about relationship deal breakers right now.”

“Is It safe to say you wouldn’t date someone that doesn’t respect their parents?” Listen to his response and follow up with, “How your date treats their parents is a dealbreaker for you?”

Additionally, the first date is the best time to find out your date’s relationship deal breakers. Because it’s better to know on the first date that he’s not looking for anything serious than finding this out 6 months into the relationship.

Share Stories with our Date.

Stories are a fantastic way to connect and extend conversations. If you’ve had a horrible yet funny dating experience and don’t mind sharing it with your date. You can keep a conversation flowing by sharing the story.

Your date has had a similar experience and will share his story or, at the least, can relate to your story. Not only will you keep the conversation flowing, but he will replay your account in his mind when he thinks of you. He will feel a bond with you.


Awkward silence on a first date with the guy you like is excruciating for many women. In this post, you learned 7 easy tips to keep a conversation flowing with men. As long as you:

  • Ask Open-ended Questions
  • Build Rapport Around Things You Already Know About the Guy
  • Start with a Compliment
  • Ask About His Passions and Talents
  • Active Listen
  • Ask About His Pet Peeves and Relationship Dealbreakers
  • Share Stories

You will always have things to talk about on your date. Now it’s time for you to take what you’ve learned and keep the conversation flowing on your next date.

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